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Award Categories 2024

Best Small Leasing Broker

A fleet of fewer than 5000

This award is open to leasing brokers with a fleet fewer than 5000. You will have to provide evidence of your sales and your commitment and service to customers. Judges will be looking for the level of personalised service you can provide as a small broker, your expertise and financial guidance along with your FCA compliance.

Best Small Leasing Broker Customer Service

A fleet of fewer than 5000

The judges will be assessing how your brokerage has gone the extra mile that’s turned a customer into an ambassador for your business. The judges will be looking for examples of how your company has actively excelled in providing brilliant customer service.

Best Medium Leasing Broker

A fleet between 5001 to 9999

This award is open to leasing brokers with a fleet between 5001 to 9999. You will have to provide evidence of your sales and your commitment and service to customers, along with plans to grow or support the business. Judges will be expecting to see examples of your expertise, sales process and financial guidance as well as your FCA compliance.

Best Medium Leasing Broker Customer Service

A fleet between 5001 to 9999

The judges will be assessing how your brokerage has gone the extra mile that’s turned a customer into an ambassador for your business. The judges will be looking for examples of how your company has actively excelled in providing brilliant customer service.

Best Large Leasing Broker

A fleet above 10000

This award is open to leasing brokers with a fleet above 10000. You will have to provide evidence of your sales and your commitment and service to customers and how well you manage volume without detriment to customer service. Judges will be looking for exceptional deals, expertise, sales process and financial guidance along with your FCA compliance.

Best Large Leasing Broker Customer Service

A fleet above 10000

The judges will be assessing how your brokerage has gone the extra mile that’s turned a customer into an ambassador for your business. The judges will be looking for examples of how your company has actively excelled in providing brilliant customer service.

Best Electric Vehicle Leasing Broker

More customers are turning to green fleet leasing on the back of greater product availability, the desire to reduce the car’s impact on the environment and to mitigate company car taxation exposure. How is your company helping deliver this green revolution from EVs to PHEVs? Explain to the judges what you do to promote Ultra Low Emission Vehicles and Electric Vehicles and how you facilitate implementation with customers.

Best Marketing and Innovation

What have you done that really stands out – or has made a significant difference to your business? Whether it’s delivering a consistent level of informative communications to your database, sponsoring local or national events, or developing an innovative new product, the judges want to hear about it. Companies must demonstrate their initiatives, programmes and innovations

Best Commercial Vehicle Broker

A commercial vehicle is more than a means of transport, it is an essential part of the operator’s business. Providing commercial vehicles starts with providing advice on the most appropriate vehicle, the best modifications to fit the planned usage and providing in-life services. These are specialisms that form the basis of a robust commercial vehicle leasing offering. Please explain to the judges how you support commercial vehicle fleets?

Best Fleet Management Service

There has been an increase over recent years of Leasing Brokers providing Fleet Management services to customers. The services range from individual services such as Accident Management and Driver Risk Management, through to a full Fleet Management outsourced solution. Please explain to the judges the scope of your Fleet Management service.

Leasing Broker of the Year

All Leasing Broker entries will be considered for the Leasing Broker of the Year award. This will be awarded by our independent judging panel

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